Sabtu, 20 Juni 2015

Paris Hilton force fed? Give me a break!

Paris may be force fed by a drip following worries over her sudden weight loss and refusal to eat in prison. The hotel heiress, who is serving a 45-day sentence for driving on a suspended licence, has sparked concerns after losing over 5lbs in a week and appearing "weak and lethargic". Paris' weight has plummeted to 100lbs since she was transferred back to California's Century Regional Detention Centre last week.
A source was quoted in Britain's The Sun newspaper as saying: "After she was transferred back, Paris refused to eat. Staff became worried as she seems very thin with her bones poking out. She was also very weak and lethargic.

"They threatened to put her on an intravenous drip to rehydrate her and give her some nourishment unless she started eating. She has since managed to get a little food down, but doctors are closely monitoring her.
"She looks very pale. She's not allowed to wear make-up and her hair is matted and frizzy from washing it with soap as there's no shampoo." Paris, 26, is reportedly only allowed to leave her cell for an hour a day, and the only human contact she has is with the doctors and three deputies who monitor her. The "medical condition" the blonde was said to be suffering from has still not been disclosed.
I just don't understand why she does not just do her time with dignity......she continues to behave like a spoiled child who cannot get her own way!

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