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Senin, 22 Juni 2015

Tom Cruise Trying to Takeover LA Galaxy? I See it Now.... You Only Play if You Pledge Allegiance to Scientology

Tom Cruise is reportedly launching a $80 million takeover bid of friend David Beckham's new soccer club. The Hollywood actor is a huge soccer fan and wants to give his financial backing to the Los Angeles Galaxy.

A source said: "To have Tom's backing would be amazing - there's no way Galaxy bosses would turn down that opportunity."

Umm... Huge fan doesn't mean when your trying to convert a European to be the leader the Scientology's leader over there. Go away Tom and stick your head in Xenu's ass while you are at it...


Kate Winslet For Lancome

Great ads! She is so pretty and natural!

Tom & Suri Cruise check out of the Eden Roc Hotel 6/22

Paris Hilton will be released from jail TUESDAY!

It is being reported that Paris Hilton will be released from jail next Tuesday, June 26. Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore announced her release today. Of course authorities would not reveal what time the heiress/convict will be released -- much to the dismay of every paparazzi agency in town. When asked about the media circus surrounding Hilton's upcoming release, Whitmore said, "We anticipate the exit will be covered the same as the entrance." Hilton began her stay in the slammer on June 3.
Oh well, I was hoping they would lose the key. I guess it was inevitable she would get out....

Britney Driving Around in A Bikini - Put some CLOTHES ON!

I can't say it too often "What are you thinking Britney?" You don't look good, cover up! Her hair looks like straw!

Ashley Olsen in New York June 22nd

Someone needs to give Ashley fashion tips!

Paris calls Ryan Seacrest! She is trying to redeem herself! Will it last more than ONE minute?

Details from Paris Hilton's phone call with Ryan Seacrest let out. Paris has decided to become Saint Paris and believe it or not she is reformed and she hopes to build a "transitional home" to help women when they are released from jail. "These women just keep coming back because they have no place to go," she explains. Paris says the home can be "a place to get food and clothes on their backs," continuing that the recidivism rate is "a really bad cycle and if we stop it now, we can make our community a better place.

Paris apparently, is ready for a start fresh. "I appreciate everything now and I think there was a lot of bad people that I was around and I don't want to surround myself with those types of people anymore. Hmmm, I wonder who she means??? How long will the humble Paris last ..... a New York minute, maybe! Perhaps she is trying to be saintly now that NBC and Barbara Walters have both decide not to do an interview with her. It seems paying Paris $1 Million bothered a lot of people! Big surpise!!

Second World War hero's NOT Happy with Tom Cruise playing his Descendant!

Tom Cruise is to play a German aristocrat who tried to kill Adolf Hitler has angered the Second World War hero's oldest son. Berthold Von Stauffenberg is furious Cruise will portray his dad Count Claus Schenk Von Stauffenberg, who unsuccessfully attempted to blow up Hitler in 1944, in upcoming movie Valkyrie. Von Stauffenberg is particularly upset with Cruise's "off-putting" devotion to the Scientology faith, a religion he calls a "business". Even at 72 he realized this.....The 72-year-old tells German newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung, "I hoped for a while that it was all just a publicity stunt by Mr. Cruise. It is sure to be crap. Of course, I could be wrong - I would like to be." "I am not saying that Cruise is a bad actor - I cannot judge that. But, in any case, I fear that it could turn into horrible kitsch. He should keep his hands off my father. He should climb a mountain or go surfing in the Caribbean. I don't care, as long as he stays out of it." !!!
Keep in mind the US is one of the few countries Scientology is allowed to register as a religion!

LAPLAND - Pamela to open Strip Clubs in FINLAND - How appopriate!

Considering how "classy" she is this new does not surprise me ! Pamela has jetted to Finland to find her roots – and has happened upon a unique business idea. "I thought of a great way to celebrate my Finnish heritage at home," the forever Baywatch babe, 39, writes on her blog. "I'm going to look into opening a chain of strip clubs and I'll call them LAPLAND!!!" LOL!!! Everyone has to see the humour here!

Cameron Diaz at the Inca Ruins of Machu Picchu (6/22/7)

Oops SHE ALMOST did it again! Britney Spears show legs in a sexy black dress at restaurant Benvenuto in West Hollywood, June 21

Why wear such short dresses if she spends all the time pulling it down! We should take a collection to get her a stylist!

Lindsay Lohan no wonder the girl has PROBLEMS - Lindsay's parents RIP each other apart!

It is no wonder this poor girl has so many problems. Her parent continue to leave dignity at home. Her parents faced off in divorce court this morning -- but the real action went down after the hearing, when Dina Lohan's security guard and Michael Lohan traded some vicious verbal jabs.
Dina began divorce proceedings against ex-felon Michael in a Long Island courtroom just a few minutes ago. While Dina accused Michael of breaching their separation agreement by speaking out to the media, Michael alleged that Dina owes him money through the pact as well. But afterwards, Dina's "security guy," Ty Dux, made nasty allegations that Lindsay, Dina and the rest of the Lohan clan are "scared" of Michael, and that the family "didn't sleep at night, even when he was in jail." Michael angrily laid into Dux, calling him a liar and accusing him of being "in cahoots" with Dina Lohan's brother, Paul Sullivan, who, as Michael felt compelled to point out, was arrested on fraud charges connected to Sept. 11.While Dina waited in her car, Michael's lawyers repeatedly urged him to keep his mouth shut. He didn't comply. Everyone wants there 15 minutes of fame and he is no exception!
From her media seeking mother to her felon father, Lindsay should just divorce her parents!

Eddie Murphy Father of MEL B's baby??

Mel B "Scary Spice" says the results of the DNA test, which Eddie took on June 11, were received Thursday afternoon and apparently they confirm "He's the baby's father, it's official," "The baby is undoubtedly, 110 percent his."
Murphy's rep declined to comment - big surprise! Mel B, 32, gave birth to the baby, Angel Iris Murphy Brown, on April 3, and has long contended that Murphy is the child's father.

NBC Loudly DENIES they offered PARIS money for INTERVIEW!

NBC says they don't pay for interviews and will never pay for interviews! Hmm... could this have something to do with all the polls that say people are not happy with this and will not tune in. Apparently, when the news was released of the possible interview journalists ethicists were alarmed and NBC employees were not happy!
It appears ABC News was the one who accused NBC since a deal they offered the Hiltons was turned down for a much larger offer! Lets hope the networks decide not to pay her and continue her 15 minutes of fame. I for one was hoping they threw away the key and forgot her....


It's Up to Pete - Best Week Ever

Why Lee Roth Never Struck Out - Hollywood Grind celebrity …

Beyonce Sweating in a Hot Tub - Geno's World

Paris Hilton's Shrink has a Shady Past - Dlisted

Enrique Iglesias Too Pretty to Marry? - Socialite's Life

Diddy Denies Cassie Being Dropped - Bossip

Keri Russell With Her New Born Baby in NYC

Britney Spears Rep is Sick of Her Failing Career as Britney's Album is Pushed Back AGAIN

Leslie Sloane Zelnik, tells Life & Style that the release of Britney’s new album — which she seems to have been working on forever and was due out this fall has been delayed until sometime in 2008.

“I put her on hiatus,” Zelnik says. “Brit’s album is pushed until ’08. If she has no album, there’s no reason to do anything. I’m representing her in theory right now. I said that since the album is pushed back until ’08, let’s go on hiatus until we have a campaign to do.”

A music-industry insider says the album is delayed because Britney’s struggling creatively. "I'm surprised the album wasn't pushed back to ’09 — everything's up in the air with the album right now," the insider says.

"Jive [Records, Brit's label] hated the songs Britney was coming up with, except for a few. The executives are not happy. And she didn't want to listen to anyone. Everything was a problem for her. They wanted her to work with certain people, and she wanted the opposite."


Lindsay Lohan living the CLEAN life!

Notorious Hollywood party girl Lindsay Lohan is trying her best to enjoy simpler pleasures. The troubled Mean Girls star was released from rehab for a day trip, opting to soak up the sun on a bike ride around California's Venice Beach.

Pete Doherty & Kate Moss Party in Glastonbury

Problem couple Kate Moss and drug addict boyfriend Pete Doherty were out doing what they do best - partying - following his declaration he would marry the model if he were 'smack and needle-free'. What is she thinking.... love is blind, but come on give me a break, what does she see in this guy..

Moss and Doherty were at a bash at Ronnie Scotts Jazz Club, attended by Sadie Frost, Nick Cave and Sir Elton John. Perhaps if she helped him stay at home and go out less to parties he might have a chance getting sober.....

Another Reason Paris Won't Be Taking Things For Granted Anymore: Her Car was Repossessed!

Poor Paris problems again, apparently her car has been repossessed after she failed to make the last two payments! She should be surprised to learn that her Mercedes - allegedly worth a staggering $500,000 - has been towed away. I guess this is another letter Paris forgot to open she must have been so distracted with everything else, she forgot to pay her bills!"


Seinfield Bombs with Anti-Rape Groups - Blowing Smoke

50 cent and the Duchess of York together... - The Corsair

John Mayer on the Rebound? - Mollygood

JR Rotem Dated Britney Spears - Feed Me Gossip

Ashlee Simpson Looks Like Crap - Evil Beet Gossip

Mischa Barton Sucking Face -

Christina Ricci in June's UK Esquire

Just in case you did not recognize her, Christina Ricci in June's UK Esquire magazine. I just don't understand why they think they have to fix and perfect how celebrities look. Another magazine cover where they used photoshop a little too much. Proving once again, anyone can be on the cover of a magazine with the magic of photoshop!

Pamela Anderson - What is she thinking? or better yet, what is she trying to do?

How Embarresing! I am not sure what she is thinking or what she is trying to do!

Is Britney Spears Going to File a Restraining Order Against Her Mom?

Apparently, Britney's Spears visited her attourney yesterday to explore the possibilites of filing a restraining order against her mom. Things have been rocky since Britney was "forced' into rehab by her mom and mangagement.

Britney and Lynne's relationship has been sour since she left rehab. Britney has said she was forced into rehab by her family and management. Her mom also appeared to be supporting Kevin during the custody battle between Britney and Kevin. Um........... doesn't Britney realize her mom is doing this cause she is off her rocker? Her mom is only trying to help!

Anyway, Britney is so mad she has decided to file a restraining to keep her mom away from her two sons.


Paris Hilton Says "I'm Grateful Now"

Pairs Hilton is trying to pretend like she is change person. We all know it's a great way to get more money. However, I doubt anyone will believe once she goes clubbing and boozing every night of her life again.

In a interview from jail she said she's a changed woman who now appreciates "things I took for granted" and plans to use her fame "in a good way." "I'm so much more grateful for everything that I have, even just to have a pillow at night or food," Hilton told Ryan Seacrest in a phone conversation.

She says she plans to use her celebrity for good and doesn't want to be the object of ridicule anymore. "You know my gratitude has gone up so much and I just realize that the media used me to make fun of and be mean about it," she tells Seacrest in the interview for Thursday's show. "Frankly [I'm] sick of it and I want to use my fame in a good way."

Of her life behind bars, Hilton, who was jailed for violating probation for driving with a suspended license, says it's been difficult being kept from her family. "I am behind glass and I want to give my dad a big hug and they won't even let me do that." If she misses her dad so much why is she calling Ryan Seacrest to during her 1 hour of free time during the day and not her dad?

She also insists that she is not receiving any special treatment in jail. "That's how the rules are, you have to be behind glass," she said. "I'm not a criminal, I'm not dangerous, so it makes me feel like that. It's hard but I'm stronger everyday."

As for the future, Hilton says: "I just can't wait to see my family and have a nice meal and be in my own bed and appreciate all the things I took for granted and never really thought much about." In other words, a big expensive dinner and party is coming....